Online legal advice provides you with a convenient and practical way to obtain binding legal information on your problem quickly and without much effort. If desired, I can also represent you in your legal matter , whether out of court or in court.
Here are the advantages of online legal advice:
-uncomplicated quick appointment online via the website at any time
-You do not have to go to a lawyer in person
-Online legal advice is straightforward.
If you wish, we can also send you a link for a video call. Simply select this when booking your appointment.
Dismissal protection suits
Do you need to file an action for unfair dismissal? In the event that you have been unlawfully dismissed, we will file your claim directly with the labour court in order to obtain your reinstatement or adequate severance pay. In order to be able to file an action for unfair dismissal, your case must meet certain requirements, such as a certain length of service or compliance with deadlines. We help you to keep your head above water and to assert your interests!
Severance calculator
Are you looking for a simple and reliable way to calculate your severance pay? Then you have come to the right place. With our severance pay calculator, you can quickly and easily calculate your severance pay and immediately receive a concrete result. Our severance pay calculator takes into account all important factors such as length of service, age and gross salary and thus enables you to realistically estimate your severance pay.
Medical law case : Vaccination damage
Are you looking for professional and competent support in making a vaccination claim? You are not alone with this problem. Then you have come to the right place. With our vaccination damage form, you can quickly and easily submit an enquiry to us and receive an answer from our experienced contacts within a short time. We look forward to receiving your enquiry.